About us

Windows Latest is a news site that constantly strives to bring Microsoft enthusiasts the latest news of the goings-on in the Microsoft world and reviews of new Microsoft / Windows devices in a precise, fair and unbiased way.

Launched in 2015, WindowsLatest.com is dedicated to bringing the latest news, features, how-tos and in-depth reviews of Microsoft products. That’s what we’re about. We’ve been covering computing for more than seven years.

We’re based worldwide, and our journalists are constantly on the hunt for the hottest stories, announcements and launches.

For any questions and news tips, drop us a message at [email protected].

Who are we

Windows Latest is the source of news content for millions of people around the globe. It is the leading tech news publication that provides extensive, well-researched coverage on Microsoft, Windows and computing topics.

We have a legacy of seven years and have quickly become one of the most trusted sources for unbiased news, reviews, helpful advice, tips, tricks, and interesting tidbits from the future of Windows, culled from our rigorous testing.

News stories written by WindowsLatest.com have been cited in top companies like CNN, Forbes, Fortune and even Microsoft.

Our goal is simple: to be the most reliable source for Windows news, reviews, advice and solutions.

Why do we do it? Because this matters to us. Making the most out of Windows and computers is crucial – it’s what you need for your work or school all the time. Consider WindowsLatest your go-to site, not just because we love Windows, but because we’re here to help.

Important disclaimer

We are not affiliated/associated with Microsoft, which owns Windows. “Windows” is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Windows Latest staff

Running Windows Latest is a team effort! Our articles are written and reviewed by professional software experts, engineers and journalists.

Here’s our team who helps make this site tick.

Mayank Parmar

Mayank Parmar

Founder & Editor-in-Chief

Mayank Parmar is an entrepreneur and Editor-in-Chief (owner/founder) of WindowsLatest.com. Mayank has been in tech journalism for more than seven years. He’s tested and written about software, computers, phones, and pretty much every type of technology you can think of, and is inordinately proud of his typing speed.

Mayank is known for his extensive coverage of Windows in the tech industry. His well-researched articles are frequently referred to by esteemed companies, such as CNN, Business Insiders, Forbes, Fortune, CBS Interactive, Microsoft and many others over the years.

Gulshan Kumar

Gulshan Kumar

WordPress developer

Gulshan Kumar is a highly regarded blogger and freelancer within the WordPress community, known for his proficiency in server management, website optimization, and security. His ‘Forget Spam Comment’ plugin is currently utilized by over 5,000 websites. On January 6th, 2016, he received a $100 bounty from ‘Automattic, Inc’ in recognition of his discovery of a security vulnerability in a prominent WordPress.com website.

Gulshan’s work has appeared on Search Engine Roundtable, Kinsta, Cloudways and many others over the years. He can be reached through his website or via Twitter and email.

Pallav Roy

Pallav Roy

Tech journalist

Pallav Roy is a tech journalist who’s been writing about software, hardware and apps/programs for nearly four years. After working for years at IT companies, his life moved online and remained fuelled by the latest technology and gadgets.

At WindowsLatest.com, Pallav continues to write about Windows 10 and Microsoft for diverse audiences. His articles are aimed at newbies, advanced users, and business customers. Leading sites like TechRadar have referred to Pallav’s work over the years.

Simone Natalini

Simone Natalini

Tech journalist, developer

Simone’s role in WindowsLatest.com is as a staff writer specializing in Windows 10 and Microsoft Surface, but he also takes on another tech like Microsoft Edge and more.

Simone has a background in IT and software engineering. His area of expertise includes software development and evaluating new codes. When not writing, he can often be found designing websites and making music.

Wyn Y


Reporter and developer

Wyn is our contributing editor. He occasionally contributes to the editorial and opinion section, and his area of interest include web development, mobile computing, engineering and designing.

At WindowsLatest.com, he covers Windows 10-powered laptops, computers, and peripherals. When not writing, can often be found playing games of both the PC and mobile variety.

Wyn has a computer engineering background and is also familiar with software and web development.

Rajat Saini – Social media manager

Rajat Saini

Rajat manages our social media handles. Do you see all those good posts on our social media pages, including the interesting breakdown of Windows updates in a short format? Rajat has curated them all. He also tests Windows apps and new features.